Gamify your mission & connect

your community with the power of play.

Six-month incubator to design, test & launch your custom Cards for Connection® deck.

Book a Strategy Session with Erin & Start Your Journey Today!

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Gamify your mission & connect your community with the power of play.

Six-month incubator to design, test & launch your custom Cards for Connection® deck.

Book a Strategy Session with Erin & Start Your Journey Today!

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I’m Erin Hickok, the creator of Cards for Connection and Founder of Games for Humanity.

I’ve been training leaders for 25 years, coaching business owners for 15 years, and designing games for 10 years.

I’ve combined these passions into an innovative business incubator where participants create their own card decks to engage, teach, and inspire their communities - all with the power of play.

Your six-month journey through the Custom Deck Incubator will elevate your brand visibility, revolutionize how you connect with your audience, and drive business growth!

We’ll infuse playfulness and creativity into your business and your events, sparking meaningful conversations, igniting inspiration, and leaving a lasting impression on your participants.

My mission is to empower your authentic voice so you stand out as industry leaders and make a meaningful impact in your communities.

I witnessed entrepreneurs like you transform their businesses, amplify their message, and achieve their goals through the power of custom card decks.

So, if you're ready to write your own success story, I invite you to schedule your deck discovery call today.

To your success,

Here are some things to know about me:

  • I designed, tested, and published ten different card decks.

  • I’ve been coaching leaders into their power for more than 25 years.

  • I’ve been advising small businesses and non-profits for more than 15 years.

  • I’ve crowdfunded more than $27,000 with organic outreach.

  • I raised hundreds of thousands of dollars door to door, on the street, and over the phone.

  • I won multiple awards for my organizing work with non-profit campaigns.

  • I was nationally recognized for customer service-focused sales.

  • I’ve planned, promoted, and produced thousands of events for mission-based organizations. I have a wealth of experience and wisdom to supercharge your mission.

Here are some of the brands I've worked with!

About this Program

This program is a Six-Month Incubator in which I’ll share my secrets with a small group of leaders who are ready to refine their strategy and sharpen their skills so they can amplify their missions with the power of play.

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About the Program

This program is a Six-Month Incubator in which I’ll share my secrets with a small group of leaders who are ready to refine their strategy and sharpen their skills so they can amplify their missions with the power of play.

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At the end of this program, you will have 100 fully customized decks with your logo and website to engage your community like never before. 

  • Hands-on support calls with Erin for each step of creating your own fully custom card deck.

  • Choose from already-developed cards & add unique prompts to spark strategic conversations. 

  • Sharpen your facilitation skills & business strategy with video training, customizable blueprints, and LIVE Mastermind Sessions with Erin.

  • Activate & engage your community in your creative process by sharing behind-the-scenes moments and exclusive events as you develop your deck. 

  • Launch Template, swipe copy & branded promotional materials are included.

  • One hundred fully custom-branded decks with your logo and website.

  • Optional add-ons, additional decks & accessories at wholesale pricing.

You'll receive 40 hours of direct support from Erin as you play-test, package, and launch your new Custom Cards for Connection® deck.

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At the end of this program,

you will have 100 fully customized decks with your logo and website to engage your community like never before.

  • One hundred fully custom-branded decks with your logo and website.

  • Sharpen your facilitation skills & business strategy with video training, customizable blueprints, and LIVE Mastermind Sessions with Erin.

  • Activate & engage your community in your creative process by sharing behind-the-scenes moments and exclusive events as you develop your deck.

  • Get inspired by already-developed cards & add unique prompts to spark strategic conversations.

  • Launch Template, swipe copy & branded promotional materials are included.

  • Optional add-ons, additional decks & accessories at wholesale pricing.

You'll receive 40 hours of direct support from Erin as you play-test, package, and launch your new Custom Cards for Connection® deck.

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This program is for you if…

  • You want to stand out as a memorable expert in your field of expertise.

  • You want easy ways to engage with your audience.

  • You host live events & experiences.

  • You value play & community connection.

  • You already have a web presence.

  • You are social media-savvy.

  • You are ready to express your authentic voice.

  • You have an offer that sells and want an ethical way to increase revenue.

This incubator is the closest to being a private client at a fraction of the cost.

You’ll be surrounded by an intimate group of heart-centered entrepreneurs and leaders who are on a mission to share their message authentically, playfully, and effectively.

Why Create my own Game?

  • Get your clients to open up and tell you what they need 

  • Get authentic and meaningful feedback from your audience

  • Make sales easy by integrating a call to action in your deck

  • Eliminate awkward moments at your live events and create quality engagement, return customers, and life-long fans.

  • Identify and qualify prospects that need you the most

  • Lay the groundwork for conversations that educate and inspire your audience

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Why Create my own Game?

  • Get your clients to open up and tell you what they need.

  • Get authentic and meaningful feedback from your audience.

  • Turn your event attendees into engaged customers and super-fans.

  • Eliminate awkward moments and create community-building experiences that bring people back to your events and create life-long fans.

  • Identify and qualify prospects that need you the most.

  • Lay the groundwork for conversations that educate and inspire your audience.

We Help Leaders to:

Activate your audience on social media & at live events

Curate conversations around your field of expertise & main offer

Gamify the goals that move your mission forward

We Help Leaders to:

Activate your audience on social media & at live events

Curate conversations around your field of expertise & main offer

Gamify the goals that move your mission forward

Challenges You'll Overcome!

Overcome imposter syndrome by connecting authentically with your people.

You’ll discover what your community really needs and create a connected group of super-fans who love your work!

Break the “sleazy salesman” mindset and stop missing out on new client opportunities!

When you know your dream clients and genuinely connect with them, you’ll deepen your relationships, share your gifts with more people, and leave a legacy. (while making more money)

Cut the overwhelm, create sales & help your clients thrive, even when you’re sleeping or on vacation.

Use Erin’s decade of experience to create an incredible card deck that integrates with your business and personal goals.

Save years of research and mistakes by creating a unique product embedded with your essence, expertise & mission.

With five simple steps from Erin, you’ll go from game idea to prototype in minutes instead of years.

Stop playing the lone wolf & build a supportive community.

Create collaboration opportunities and surround yourself with people who love your work and cheer you on.

Neutralize doubt and uncertainty by asking your audience for feedback throughout your process.

You’ll build trust, gain confidence, and collect testimonials from people who love your offerings.

Eliminate cringy sales conversations with people who haven’t experienced your genius - yet.

Have fun with sales by facilitating games that showcase your unique magic. Relationship-based marketing means natural sales conversations and knowing how to make the right offer to the right person at the right time.

End worry about typos, editing, formatting & game design.

When you include your community each step of the way, you’ll already have happy customers ready to buy and share your deck with their communities when you launch.

Let go of the stress & overwhelm of launching a new product.

When you already played with your people, you’ll be confident and ready for Erin to make your deck beautiful.

Challenges You'll Overcome!

Overcome imposter syndrome by connecting authentically with your people.

You’ll discover what your community really needs and create a connected group of super-fans who love your work!

Break the “sleazy salesman” mindset and stop missing out on new client opportunities!

When you know your dream clients and genuinely connect with them, you’ll deepen your relationships, share your gifts with more people, and leave a legacy. (while making more money)

Cut the overwhelm, create sales & help your clients thrive, even when you’re sleeping or on vacation.

Use Erin’s decade of experience to create an incredible card deck that integrates with your business and personal goals.

Save years of research and mistakes by creating a unique product embedded with your essence, expertise & mission.

With five simple steps from Erin, you’ll go from game idea to prototype in minutes instead of years.

Stop playing the lone wolf & build a supportive community.

Create collaboration opportunities and surround yourself with people who love your work and cheer you on.

Neutralize doubt and uncertainty by asking your audience for feedback throughout your process.

You’ll build trust, gain confidence, and collect testimonials from people who love your offerings.

Eliminate cringy sales conversations with people who haven’t experienced your genius - yet.

Have fun with sales by facilitating games that showcase your unique magic. Relationship-based marketing means natural sales conversations and knowing how to make the right offer to the right person at the right time.

End your overwhelm about designing & editing everything by yourself.

When you’ve got templates to start with, a community of support along the way, and Erin editing your deck, you can be confident about your final products.

Let go of the stress of launching a new product.

By including your close friends and ideal customers from the beginning, creating and launching your deck becomes a stress-free, collaborative process with happy customers ready to buy and share your deck when you launch.

Showcase Your Genius with the Power of Play

  • Facilitate online & in-person games one-on-one, small-group, and large-audience.

  • Activate referral-ready relationships when attending or facilitating networking events.

  • Produce easy and fun events that spark relationships with potential clients.

  • Strengthen your community via social media and messaging platforms. 

  • Gamify your sales process to deepen relationships and increase cash flow.

  • Develop value-aligned communities and leadership teams. 

  • Capture testimonials and referrals with the power of play.

  • Engage your audience for deeper learning and retention.

  • Promote your mission by building deeper relationships with engaging social posts, client check-ins, and follow-ups.

Where to Use Your Cards:

Showcase Your Genius with the Power of Play

  • Facilitate online & in-person games one-on-one, small-group, and large-audience 

  • Activate referral-ready relationships when attending or facilitating networking events

  • Produce easy and fun events that spark relationships with potential clients 

  • Strengthen your community via social media and messaging platforms 

  • Gamify your sales process to deepen relationships and increase cash flow

  • Develop value-aligned communities and leadership teams 

  • Capture testimonials and referrals with the power of play

  • Engage your audience for deeper learning and retention

  • Promote your mission by building deeper relationships with engaging social posts, client check-ins, and follow-ups

Where to Use Your Cards:

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Easy networking & Lead Gen Events
Playful & Creative Social Media
Gamified Sales Process
Facilitating Authentic Group Connection
Testimonials & Referrals
Group Engagement & Learning
Client Check-in & Follow-ups

Exclusive Opportunities for Program Participants

Book a Strategy Session with Erin & Start Your journey Today!

  • 33% off one-on-one sessions with Erin

  • Wholesale pricing on future deck orders & all Games for Humanity Decks

  • Co-missions on program referrals

  • Invitations for ongoing mentorship - Gamify Your Business Membership

  • Cross Promotion & Collaboration Opportunities

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Exclusive Opportunities for Program Participants

Book a Strategy Session with Erin & Start Your journey Today!

  • 33% off one-on-one sessions with Erin

  • Wholesale pricing on future deck orders & all Games for Humanity Decks

  • Co-missions on program referrals

  • Invitations for ongoing mentorship - Gamify Your Business Membership

  • Cross Promotion & Collaboration Opportunities

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Month 1: Prepare

Step 1: Define Your Vision - Clarify your purpose, people & process

Step 2: Gamify Your Sales - Aim your deck at your sales process

Step 3: Set Goals & Make Your Plan - Customize your launch blueprint

Month 2-4: Play-Test

Step 4: Create Your Prototype - Start creating your deck

Step 5: Build Your Team - Recruit your friends & allies

Step 6: Test & Refine Your Cards - Break your game on purpose

Months 5 & 6: Promote

Step 7: Showcase Your Genius - Play your deck to build the buzz

Step 8: Finalize Your Deck - Send your deck to print

Step 9: Launch Your Offer - Harass your people with enthusiasm

Program Details

The Custom Deck Incubator Program offers a full suite of tools designed to super-charge your offerings as you create, launch, and market your custom card deck.

This innovative program combines hands-on guidance, strategic resources, and a community of like-minded individuals to transform your expertise into tangible products that engage and connect your community.

The Custom Deck Incubator Program offers a full suite of tools designed to super-charge your offerings as you create, launch, and market your custom card deck. This innovative program combines hands-on guidance, strategic resources, and a community of like-minded individuals to transform your expertise into tangible products that engage and connect your community.

100 Printed Custom Card Decks

  • 100 Poker-sized decks with custom Cards for Connection® prompts

  • All decks have 55 cards, including:

  • Your logo and website on the card backs

  • How-to-play Instruction & Promotional Cards (with templates for easy customization)

  • Individually wrapped in plastic so you can choose your preferred packaging

  • From design approval to delivery in three weeks

100 Printed Custom Card Decks

  • 100 Poker-sized decks with custom Cards for Connection® prompts

  • All decks have 55 cards, including:

  • Your logo and website on the card backs

  • How-to-play Instruction & Promotional Cards (with templates for easy customization)

  • From design approval to delivery in three weeks

Expert Guidance &

Support from Erin

  • Training Modules - Two 90-minute live calls per month - 18 Hours total

  • Office Hours - Two 90-minute support calls per month - 18 Hours total

  • Telegram Group to give and receive feedback from the group

  • Lifetime Access to a Library of Training & Recorded Support Calls

  • Fill in the Blank Blueprints to clarify your message, plan your launch, and run amazing events

  • Two Done For You Deck Editing Sessions with Erin - recorded





A Suite of Canva Templates for Easy Deck Design & Promotion

  • Product Description Template and training 3 Columnso you can sell your deck

  • Multiple “One Page” Templates to showcase you, your deck, and your mission

  • Shareable Mock Up Templates so your audience sees your deck before it prints

  • Events Planning, Promotion & Engagement Templates to easily share your next event

Digital Decks to use for Engagement & as Lead Magnets for Your Funnel

Digital decks are the perfect way to engage and inspire your communities, even before your printed decks arrive.

  • Print & Play PDF download of your custom cards to use as:

  • an opt-in strategy that can be used to build your email list (even with ads)

  • an engagement tool to activate your current email subscribers

  • Text-able Cards to use with client follow-up and social media engagement

  • GIF Cards to share on social media so people can easily pick a card online

A Suite of Canva Templates for Easy Deck Design & Promotion

  • Product Description Template and training so you can sell your deck

  • Multiple “One Page” Templates to showcase you, your deck, and your mission

  • Shareable Mock Up Templates so your audience sees your deck before it prints

  • Events Planning, Promotion & Engagement Templates to easily share your next event

Leverage your association with Erin & Cards for Connection

  • Use the Swipe Folder of graphics, photos, and copy to share your deck with your people easily

  • Cross-promotion for your deck launch and events by tagging our accounts

  • Featured article on the Games for Humanity Website with your call-to-action

  • Live video collab and social posts to announce your deck on your preferred platform

  • Email blast to Erin’s network when you’ve launched your deck

Are You Ready to Transform Your Engagement Strategy? Let's Design Your Deck Together
Are You Ready to Transform Your Engagement Strategy?

Let's Design Your Deck Together!

With comprehensive support from Erin, Choose from Developed Cards & Add Unique Prompts to Spark Specific Conversations.

Enhance Your Facilitation and Business Skills with Live Training & Mastermind Sessions.

With comprehensive support from Erin, Choose from Developed Cards & Add Unique Prompts to Spark Specific Conversations.

Enhance Your Facilitation and Business Skills with Live Training & Mastermind Sessions.

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Is there a payment plan?

A: Yes! You’ll secure your spot with an initial deposit and then make monthly payments.

What if I want additional card decks?

Reordering is easy, affordable & quick as ten days.

What if I want to make a deck with more or fewer cards

We can do that! We’ll adjust to your specifications and let you know if there are any additional charges well before printing.

What if I want to make a series of card decks?

We’ll start with your first deck in this program, but we’ll make sure your strategy accommodates printing future decks.

What if I don’t have a logo or website yet?

To promote your deck effectively, you must secure a basic logo and a website domain in the next six weeks.

What if English is my second language?

I recommend adding additional private sessions with Erin for extra editing time.

Can I make money by selling my custom deck?

YES! That's the plan. We'll review strategies for selling individual card decks and packaging decks with your other offerings.

Can I get the other decks at wholesale pricing and sell them too?

Yes! You get wholesale pricing on all our decks, which are excellent offers for repeat purchasing.

Can I refer you to other clients and make money?

Yes, that's how this connection movement spreads like wildfire! We'll provide promotional materials and reward you with co-missions for sending us referrals.

Can you take care of shipping for me?

We’ve priced sending all your decks to you at once. We can arrange to ship your decks individually for a fee.

How can I add additional features?

Purchase your basic package first. We'll discuss options as we go and invoice you for additional items.

What are the additional features?

  • Custom Logo Linen BagsCustom Logo Stickers

  • Custom Rainbow of Cards Stickers

  • Custom Logo Printed Box

  • Special printing needs including additional card sizes, embossing, or gilded card edges

  • Large cards, Giant cards, Plastic cards & Display Materials for promotion

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Not Your Average Business Course:

The Custom Deck Incubator Program is more than just a product creation course; it's a comprehensive ecosystem designed to elevate your brand, engage your audience, and amplify your mission through the strategic use of custom card decks.

Not Your Average Business Course:

The Custom Deck Incubator Program is more than just a product creation course; it's a comprehensive ecosystem designed to elevate your brand, engage your audience, and amplify your mission through the strategic use of custom card decks.

Customized Cards for Connection® decks provide a direct path to engaging and identifying clients and monetizing your mission.

Engage and grow your audience through innovative games and strategies that foster deeper connections and meaningful conversations.

Recognition and support through a community of entrepreneurs focused on leveraging the power of play for business growth.

Customized Cards for Connection® decks provide a direct path to engaging and identifying clients and monetizing your mission.

Engage and grow your audience through innovative games and strategies that foster deeper connections and meaningful conversations.

Recognition and support through a community of entrepreneurs focused on leveraging the power of play for business growth.

With hands-on support, customized strategies, and a full suite of tools and resources, participants are equipped to launch successful decks that entertain, connect, and create sales.

Are you curious about creating your custom deck?

Book a strategy call to see if we’re a good fit.

I look forward to connecting with you!

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Are you curious about creating your custom deck?

Book a strategy call to see if we’re a good fit.

I look forward to connecting with you!

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Copyright 2024 . Powered by Games for Humanity